Hey there, middle schoolers! I’ve got some news for you. Aisha Yesufu, a really important person who fights for what’s right, is warning us about a protest that might be even bigger than the one we saw last year called ‘End SARS’.
In case you didn’t know, ‘End SARS’ was a protest that happened all over Nigeria. People were really mad at the police because they were being mean and hurting innocent people. The protesters wanted the government to get rid of a special police unit called SARS because they were doing bad things.
Aisha Yesufu, who was one of the leaders of the ‘End SARS’ protest, is telling us that something even bigger might happen soon. She says that people are really angry because the politicians and rulers in power are being really unfair and corrupt. They’re doing bad things and getting away with it.
Aisha Yesufu thinks that the next protest might be even more intense and maybe even violent. She says that people are so angry that they might not be able to control their emotions anymore. She wants us to be prepared because nobody will be safe if this happens.
It’s important for us to pay attention to what’s happening in our country. We need to stand up for what’s right and speak out against injustice. We can make a difference by being informed, staying peaceful, and working together to create positive change.
Remember, middle schoolers, it’s important to stay informed about what’s happening in our world. By understanding the issues and standing up for what’s right, we can make a difference. Let’s work together to create a better future for everyone!